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High-fidelity decryption   technology of Visual Cryptography based on    optical coherence operation 马秀浩 2022-12-01 RESULTS IN PHYSICS 马秀浩(学);宋彬彬;林炜(外);吴继旋(外);黄薇;刘波(外) 宋彬彬,林炜 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Coupled spreading between   information and epidemics on multiplex networks with simplicial complexes 樊俊峰 2022-11-01 CHAOS 樊俊峰(学);赵大伟(外);夏承遗;Tanimoto(外) 赵大伟,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
IMGC-GNN: A multi-granularity   coupled graph neural network recommendation method based on implicit   relationships 浩庆波 2022-11-01 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE 浩庆波(学);王春东;肖迎元;林浩(学) 王春东 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Multi-player snowdrift game on   scale-free simplicial complexes 徐岩 2022-10-01 Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 徐岩(学);冯美玲;朱昱莹(学);夏承遗 冯美玲,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
MAN: Main-auxiliary network   with attentive interactions for review-based recommendation 杨沛麟 2022-10-01 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE 杨沛麟(学);肖迎元;郑文广;焦旭(外);朱珂(外);孙琛琛;刘里 肖迎元 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A Remote Sensing Scene Image   Classification Method Based on Deep Multiple-Instance Learning with a   Residual Dense Attention ConvNet 王欣宇 2022-10-01 remote sensing 王欣宇(学);徐海霞;袁立明;戴伟(学);温显斌 温显斌 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
An Anchor-Free Network With   Box Refinement and Saliency Supplement for Instance Segmentation in Remote   Sensing Images 史芙蓉 2022-09-01 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, V 史芙蓉;张彤(外) 张彤 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Hybrid Method for Inverse   Design of Orbital Angular Momentum Transmission Fiber based on Neural Network   and Optimization Algorithms 秦海波 2022-09-01 Journal of Lightwave Technology 秦海波(学);黄薇;宋彬彬;陈胜勇 黄薇 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
An ensemble learning model for   preference-geographical aware point-of interest rec-ommendation 柳爽 2022-09-01 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE 柳爽(学);杨蕾蕾(学);郑文广;肖迎元;刘里 郑文广 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Disk based Pay-as-you-go   Record Linkage 孙琛琛 2022-08-01 FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 孙琛琛;申德荣(外) 孙琛琛 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
ADHD Children Identification   with Multi-view Feature Fusion of fNIRS Signals 古悦 2022-07-01 IEEE Sensors Journal 古悦;苗硕(外);杨健(外);李小俚(外) 杨健,李小俚 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
SIGA: social influence   modeling integrating graph autoencoder for rating prediction 刘金鑫 2022-07-01 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE 刘金鑫(学);肖迎元;郑文广;许庆贤(外) 肖迎元,郑文广 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Synthetic-to-real: instance   segmentation of clinical cluster cells with unlabeled synthetic training 赵萌 2022-06-01 BIOINFORMATICS 赵萌;王思宇(学);石凡;贾晨(学);孙续国(外);陈胜勇 赵萌 期刊论文 B类 CCF B类,SCIE 第一单位
A wave time-varying neural   network for solving the time-varying shortest path problem 徐志磊 2022-05-01 Applied Intelligence 徐志磊(学);黄玮;王劲松 黄玮 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Towards delay-optimized and   resource-efficient network function dynamic deployment for VNF service   chaining 卜超 2022-05-01 Applied Soft Computing 卜超;王劲松;王兴伟(外) 卜超 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Impact of resource-based   conditional interaction on cooperation in spatial social dilemmas Li, Xiaopeng 2022-05-01 PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Li, Xiaopeng(学);Han, Weiwei(学);杨文军;王娟;夏承遗;Li, Hui-jia(外);Shi,   Yong(外) 杨文军,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
An Approach of Flow   Compensation Incentive based on Q-Learning Strategy for IoT User Privacy   Protection 张德干,陈露 2022-05-01 AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 陈露(学);张德干;张捷(外);张婷(外);杜金玉(学);范洪瑞(学) 陈露 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A Fast Community Detection   Algorithm Based on Reconstructing Signed Networks 夏承遗 2022-05-01 IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 夏承遗;Luo, Yongping(学);王莉;Li, Hui-Jia(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A polynomial kernel neural   network classifier based on random sampling and information gain 肖月月 2022-04-01 Applied Intelligence 肖月月(学);黄玮;Sung-Kwun Oh(外);祝烈煌(外) 黄玮 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Event-Based Fault Diagnosis of   Networked Discrete Event Systems 任可心 2022-03-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS 任可心(学);张志鹏;夏承遗 张志鹏,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A New Game Model of Task   Forwarding for a Multiagent System Based on a Reputation Mechanism 王莉 2022-03-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS 王莉;范德一(学);黄垲亮(学);夏承遗 王莉 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Myocardial Amyloidosis   Detection With Terahertz Spectroscopy 余平,郑江鹏 2022-02-01 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 余平(学);郑江鹏(学);赵萌;石凡;孙续国(外);王灿(学);贾晨(学);陈胜勇 赵萌,石凡 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Deep learning image   transmission through a multimode fiber based on a small training dataset 宋彬彬 2022-02-01 Optics Express 宋彬彬;靳畅(学);吴继旋(外);林炜(外);刘波(外);黄薇;陈胜勇 吴继旋,林炜 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Leader-following consensus of   second-order multi-agent systems with intermittent communication via   persistent-hold control Chen, Tong-Tong 2022-01-01 Neurocomputing Chen, Tong-Tong(学);Wang, Fu-Yong(外);夏承遗;Chen, Zeng-Qiang(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Global Correlative Network for   Person re-identification 谢更生 2022-01-01 NEUROCOMPUTING 谢更生(学);温显斌;袁立明;徐海霞;刘占鲁 温显斌,刘占鲁 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Automatic Classification of   ASD Children Using Appearance-based Features from Videos 李菁 2022-01-01 NEUROCOMPUTING 李菁;陈则金(外);李公法(外);欧阳高翔(外);李小俚(外) 李菁 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Hyperspectral Image   Restoration via Subspace-Based Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation 杨延红 2022-01-01 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 杨延红;冯缘(外);张剑华;陈胜勇 张剑华,陈胜勇 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Towards deep entity resolution   via soft schema matching 孙琛琛 2022-01-01 Neurocomputing 孙琛琛;申德荣(外) 孙琛琛 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A time-varying neural network   for solving minimum spanning tree problem on time-varying network 徐志磊 2021-11-01 Neurocomputing 徐志磊(学);黄玮;王劲松 黄玮 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A feature interaction learning   approach for crowdfunding project recommendation 肖迎元 2021-11-01 APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 肖迎元;柳驰畅(学);郑文广;王洪亚(外);许庆贤(外) 肖迎元,许庆贤 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
CSDS End-to-end Aerial Scenes   Classification with Depthwise Separable Convolution and an Attention   Mechanism 王欣宇 2021-11-01 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations   and Remote Sensing 王欣宇(学);袁立明;徐海霞;温显斌 袁立明,温显斌 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Adaptive reputation promotes   trust in social networks. 胡正洋 2021-10-01 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 胡正洋(学);李晓鹏(学);王娟;夏承遗;王震(外);Perc, Matjaz(外) 王娟,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
AOAR: an automatic ocular   artifact removal approach for multi-channel electroencephalogram data based   on non-negative matrix factorization and empirical mode decomposition 古悦 2021-10-01 JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 古悦;李雪;陈胜勇;Li, Xiaoli(外) 陈胜勇,Li, Xiaoli 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Semantic Segmentation With   Light Field Imaging and Convolutional Neural Networks 贾晨 2021-09-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 贾晨(学);石凡;赵萌;张垚;程徐(外);王绵沼(学);陈胜勇 石凡,陈胜勇 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Impact of information   diffusion on epidemic spreading in partially mapping two-layered time-varying   networks 郭海莉 2021-09-01 Nonlinear Dynamics 郭海莉(学);殷倩(学);夏承遗;Matthias Dehmer(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Convolutional Neural   Network-Based Terahertz Spectral Classification of Liquid Contraband for   Security Inspection 王灿 2021-09-01 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 王灿(学);石凡;赵萌;敖吉(学);贾晨(学);陈胜勇 石凡,赵萌 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A Multilevel Convolutional   Recurrent Neural Network for Blade Icing Detection of Wind Turbine 田维维 2021-09-01 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 田维维(学);程徐(学);Li, Guoyuan(外);石凡;陈胜勇;Zhang, Houxiang(外) Li, Guoyuan 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Pairwise attention network for   cross-domain image recognition 高赞 2021-09-01 Neurocomputing 高赞;刘彦博(学);徐光平;温显斌 徐光平 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Mixed Hierarchical Networks   for Deep Entity Matching 孙琛琛 2021-07-01 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 孙琛琛;申德荣(外) 孙琛琛 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Hydrophobin HGFI assisted   immunobiologic sensor based on a cascaded taper integrated ultra-long-period   fiber grating 宋彬彬 2021-05-01 Biomedical Optics Express 宋彬彬;靳畅(学);王波(外);吴继旋(外);刘波(外);林炜(外);黄薇;段少祥(外);乔明强(外) 吴继旋 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Ghost elimination via   multi-component collaboration for unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing   image stitching 薛万利 2021-04-01 Remote Sensing 薛万利;张哲(学);陈胜勇 张哲 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A new method of data missing   estimation with FNN-based tensor heterogeneous ensemble learning for internet   of vehicle 张婷 2021-01-01 Neurocomputing 张婷(学);张德干;颜浩然(学);邱健宁(学);高瑾馨(学) 张德干 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Extension of Synchronizability   Analysis Based on Vital Factors: Extending Validity to Multilayer Fully   Coupled Networks 王莉 2021-01-01 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 王莉;贾晓宇(学);潘修宇(学);夏承遗 王莉 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
SEENS: Nuclei segmentation in   Pap smear images with selective edge enhancement 赵萌 2021-01-01 FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL   OF ESCIENCE 赵萌;Wang, Hao(外);韩颖(学);Wang, Xiaokang(外);Dai,   Hong-Ning(外);孙续国(外);张金(外);Pedersen, Marius(外) 赵萌,Wang, Hao 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Co-evolution spreading of   multiple information and epidemics on two-layered networks under the   influence of mass media 王志双 2020-12-01 NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 王志双(学);夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
New Link Attack Strategies of   Complex Networks Based on k-core Decomposition 孙世温 2020-12-01 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 孙世温;刘晓晓(学);王莉;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
New algorithm of   multi-strategy channel allocation for edge computing 张德干 2020-11-01 AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS 张德干;朴铭杰(学);张婷(学);陈晨(学);朱浩丽(学) 朴铭杰 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Multiple-instance learning via   multiple-point concept based instance selection 袁立明 2020-09-01 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 袁立明;徐光平;赵璐(外);温显斌;徐海霞 徐光平 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Two Modes Excited SPR Sensor   Employing Gold-Coated Photonic Crystal Fiber Based on Three-Layers Air-Holes 李宸源 2020-06-01 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 李宸源(学);宋彬彬;郭宇(学);吴继旋(外);黄薇;吴徐洁(学);靳畅(学);陈胜勇 宋彬彬 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Novel Method of Mobile Edge   Computation Offloading Based on Evolutionary Game Strategy for IoT Devices 崔玉亚,张德干 2020-05-01 AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 崔玉亚(学);张德干;张婷(学);陈露(学);朴铭杰(学);朱浩丽(学) 崔玉亚 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Orbital angular momentum   generation in a dual-ring fiber based on the phase-shifted coupling mechanism   and the interference of supermodes 黄薇 2020-05-01 OPTICS EXPRESS 黄薇;熊越(学);秦海波(学);刘艳格(外);宋彬彬;陈胜勇 黄薇 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Role of vaccine efficacy in   the vaccination behavior under myopic update rule on complex networks 黄节琛 2020-01-01 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 黄节琛(学);王娟;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Onion structure optimizes   attack robustness of interdependent networks 刘晓晓 2019-12-01 Physica A 刘晓晓(学);孙世温;王佳伟(学);夏承遗 孙世温,夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
A new propagation model   coupling the offline and online social networks 邵倩 2019-11-01 NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 邵倩(学);夏承遗;王林(外);李慧嘉(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Confocal Raman Sensing Based   on a Support Vector Machine for Detecting Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells 闫静 2019-11-01 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 闫静(学);石凡;赵萌;王喆;杨玉(外);陈胜勇 石凡,赵萌 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Use of Multiple EEG Features   and Artificial Neural Network to Monitor the Depth of Anesthesia 古悦 2019-06-01 SENSORS 古悦;Liang, Zhenhu(外);Hagihira, Satoshi(外) 古悦 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
New Multi-hop Clustering   Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 张德干 2019-04-01 IEEE  Transactions on   Intelligent Transportation Systems 张德干;葛辉(学);张婷(学);崔玉亚(学);刘晓欢(学);毛国强(外) 张婷 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Projector distortion residual   compensation in fringe projection system 杨守瑞 2019-03-01 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 杨守瑞;刘邈(外);宋家辉(外);尹仕斌(外);任永杰(外);邾继贵(外);陈胜勇 陈胜勇 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
LSPR Sensor Employing   Side-polished Suspend-core Microstructured Optical Fiber with a Silver   Nanorod 郭宇 2019-02-01 IEEE Sensors Journal 郭宇(学);宋彬彬;黄薇;陈胜勇 宋彬彬 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Routing as a service (RaaS):   An open framework for customizing routing services 卜超 2019-01-01 Journal of Network and Computer Applications 卜超;王兴伟(外);程辉(外);黄敏(外);李克勤(外) 王兴伟 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Novel optimized link state   routing protocol based on quantum genetic strategy for mobile learning 张德干 2018-12-01 Journal of Network and Computer Applications 张德干;张婷(学);董悦(学);刘晓欢(学);崔玉亚(学);赵德新 董悦 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位
Identifying ADHD children   using hemodynamic responses during a working memory task measured by   functional near-infrared spectroscopy 古悦 2018-06-01 JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 古悦;Miao, Shuo(外);Han, Junxia(外);Liang, Zhenhu(外);Ouyang,   Gaoxiang(外);Yang, Jian(外);Li, Xiaoli(外) Yang, Jian 期刊论文 B类 SCIE 第一单位

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