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Containment control for   second-order multi-agent systems with intermittent sampled position data   under directed topologies 陈彤彤 2022-12-01 KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 陈彤彤(学);王付勇(外);夏承遗;陈增强(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
An Online Multiobject Tracking   Network for Autonomous Driving in Areas Facing Epidemic 王绵沼 2022-12-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 王绵沼(学);石凡;赵萌;贾晨(学);田维维(学);何甜(学);付玉(学);程徐(学) 石凡,程徐 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
A Blockchain-Empowered   Cluster-Based Federated Learning Model for Blade Icing Estimation on   IoT-Enabled Wind Turbine 田维维,程徐 2022-12-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 程徐(学);田维维(学);石凡;赵萌;陈胜勇;王浩(外) 石凡,王浩 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Diffusion of resources and   their impact on epidemic spreading in multiplayer networks with simplicial   complexes 孙卿一 2022-11-01 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 孙卿一(学);王志双(学);赵大伟(外);夏承遗;Perc, Matjaz(外) 赵大伟,夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Dual Attention Spatiotemporal   Fused Transformer for Object Tracking 吴瑞旭 2022-11-01 KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 吴瑞旭(学);温显斌;袁立明;徐海霞 温显斌,袁立明 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
DARTSRepair: Core-failure-set   guided DARTS for network robustness to common corruptions 任旭红 2022-11-01 PATTERN RECOGNITION 任旭红(学);Jianlang Chen(外);Felix Juefei-Xu(外);薛万利;Qing Guo(外);Lei   Ma(外);Jianjun Zhao(外);陈胜勇 薛万利 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Dual-View 3D Reconstruction   via Learning Correspondence and Dependency of Point Cloud Regions 贾鑫 2022-10-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING 贾鑫;杨守瑞;王运波(外);张剑华;彭宇新(外);陈胜勇 杨守瑞 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Role of reputation constraints   in the spatial public goods game with second-order reputation evaluation 韩威威 2022-08-01 Chaos Solitons & Fractals 韩威威(学);张志鹏;孙俊清;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Appearance-based Gaze   Estimation for ASD Diagnosis 李菁 2022-07-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 李菁;陈则金(外);钟艺豪(外);Hak-Keung Lam(外);韩俊霞(外);欧阳高翔(外);李小俚(外);刘洪海(外) 欧阳高翔 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Temporal Attention   Convolutional Neural Network for Estimation of Icing Probability on Wind   Turbine Blades 程徐,赵萌 2022-06-01 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 程徐(学);石凡;赵萌;李国源(外);张厚祥(外);陈胜勇 石凡,陈胜勇 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
A Novel Deep Class-Imbalanced   Semisupervised Model for Wind Turbine Blade Icing Detection 程徐 2022-06-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS 程徐(学);石凡;Xiufeng Liu(外);赵萌;陈胜勇 石凡,陈胜勇 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Impact of co-evolution of   negative vaccine-related information, vaccination behavior and epidemic   spreading in multilayer networks 殷倩 2022-06-01 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 殷倩(学);王志双(学);夏承遗;ChrisT.Bauch(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Object-aware Ghost   Identification and Elimination for Dynamic Scene Mosaic 张哲 2022-04-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 张哲(学);任旭红(学);薛万利;张程伟(外);郭青(外);陈胜勇 薛万利 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Event-centric multi-modal   fusion method for dense video captioning 常志 2022-02-01 Neural Networks 常志(学);赵德新;陈慧临(学);李敬丹(学);刘鹏飞(学) 赵德新 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Stable Linear Structures and   Seam Measurements for Parallax Image Stitching 薛万利,谢伟伦 2022-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 薛万利;谢伟伦(学);张垚;陈胜勇 薛万利,陈胜勇 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Variational Abnormal Behavior   Detection with Motion Consistency 李菁 2021-12-01 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 李菁;Qingwang Huang(外);Yingjun Du(外);Xiantong Zhen(外);陈胜勇;Ling   Shao(外) Xiantong Zhen 期刊论文 A类 CCF A类,SCIE 第一单位
Evolution of cooperation in   heterogeneously stochastic interactions 李晓鹏 2021-09-01 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 李晓鹏(学);郝刚;张志鹏;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Networked opacity for finite   state machine with bounded communication delays 张志鹏 2021-09-01 INFORMATION SCIENCES 张志鹏;Shu, Shaolong(外);夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Channel-exchanged feature   representations for person re-identification 王建臣 2021-06-01 INFORMATION SCIENCES 王建臣(学);袁立明;徐海霞;谢更生(学);温显斌 袁立明,温显斌 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Impact of reputation   assortment on tag-mediated altruistic behaviors in the spatial lattice Jian, Qing 2021-05-01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Jian, Qing(学);Li, Xiaopeng(学);王娟;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Epidemic propagation with   positive and negative preventive information in multiplex networks 王志双 2021-03-01 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 王志双(学);夏承遗;陈增强(外);陈关荣(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Map Recovery and Fusion for   Collaborative Augment Reality of Multiple Mobile Devices 张剑华 2021-03-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 张剑华;刘嘉玲(外);陈凯祺(外);潘志颖(外);刘儒瑜(外);王燕燕(外);Thomas Yang(外);陈胜勇 张剑华 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
A novel epidemic model   considering demographics and intercity commuting on complex dynamical   networks 殷倩 2020-12-01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 殷倩(学);王志双(学);夏承遗;Dehmer, Matthias(外);Emmert-Streib,   Frank(外);靳祯(外) 夏承遗,靳祯 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Properties and structural   analyses of USA's regional electricity market: A visibility graph network   approach 胡军 2020-11-01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 胡军(学);夏承遗;李慧嘉(外);朱培灿(外);熊文军(外) 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Parsing human image by fusing   semantic and spatial features: A deep learning approach 赵瑞林 2020-11-01 INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 赵瑞林(学);薛彦兵;蔡靖;高赞 薛彦兵,高赞 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Guest Editorial: Special   Section on Latest Advances on Industrial Intelligent Video Systems and   Analytics 陈胜勇 2020-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 陈胜勇;刘洪海(外);N. KUBOTA(外) 陈胜勇 其他 A类
Constrained broadcast with   minimized latency in neighborhood area networks of smart grid 丁月民 2020-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATIC 丁月民;Tian, Yu-Chu(外);李晓卉(外);Mishra, Yateendra(外);Ledwich,   Gerard(外);周纯杰(外) Tian, Yu-Chu,李晓卉 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Reputation-based adaptive   adjustment of link weight among individuals promotes the cooperation in   spatial social dilemmas 李晓鹏 2019-11-01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 李晓鹏(学);孙世温;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
New Quantum-Genetic Based OLSR   Protocol (QG-OLSR) for Mobile Ad hoc Network 张德干 2019-07-01 Applied Soft Computing 张德干;崔玉亚(学);张婷(学) 崔玉亚 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
Can bio-inspired optimization   algorithms be used to further improve the collective computing performance? 夏承遗 2019-07-01 Physics of Life Reviews 夏承遗;黄杰琛(学)
其他 A类
The impact of awareness   diffusion on SIR-like epidemics in multiplex networks 王志双 2019-05-01 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 王志双(学);郭全通(外);孙世温;夏承遗 夏承遗 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位
A new coupled   disease-awareness spreading model with mass media on multiplex networks 夏承遗 2019-01-01 INFORMATION SCIENCES 夏承遗;王志双(学);郑春园(学);郭全通(外);史永堂(外);Dehmer, Matthias(外);陈增强(外) Dehmer, Matthias 期刊论文 A类 SCIE 第一单位

